Buy books of Dr BR Ambedkar, on Buddhism, Dalit, Adiwasi and Bahujan Topics

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Buy Books of Dr BR Ambedkar, on Buddhism, Dalit, Adiwasi and Bhujan Topics

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Dr. BR Ambedkar Speeches-10 recited by Nikhil Sablania

Friday, May 11, 2012

ज्ञ से ज्ञानी, य से यज्ञ, क्ष से क्षत्री, तो ब्रहामण भारत में बच्चों की हिंदी की पहली पुस्तिका से ही ब्राह्मणवाद और जातिवाद की स्थापना कर देते हैं. आखिरकार यज्ञ करने वाले ज्ञानी ब्रहामण को दुखी बहुजन के कोप से बचना क्षत्रिय का ही तो कर्त्तव्य है और इसके लिए त्र से त्रिशूल और भ से भाला भी है है.
Ambedkar cartoon row: Mayawati threatens to stall Parliament - NewsX
Mr. Kapil Sibbal advocated costly education two years ago, but it was Baba Sahib Ambedkar who said in 1930s that education should be cheapest with more emphasis on primary education. Today there are none government schools who can compete with expensive primary schools. Shame to Kapil Sibbal and Brhamanical Congress and BJP governments.
Kapil Sibbal should know that it is Hindu Religion that calls him a Shudra, a lower human being and in thousands of years of slavery, it was Baba Sahib Ambedkar who called him human being for the first time. Nation should respect Baba Sahib. Jai Bhim. Jai Bharat.
Seeking to put a lid over the row, HRD minister Kapil Sibal said he has asked the NCERT to remove the offending picture and stop distribution of the textbooks.
- Seeking to put a lid over the row, HRD minister Kapil Sibal said he has asked the NCERT to remove the offending picture and stop distribution of the textbooks.

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